You have protected your wireless internet network with WEP or WPA password. Do you think your wifi network really secure now?
If you follow my tutorial and use fish pentesting software correctly, I GUARANTEE you will find that even with WEP or WPA your wifi is not fully secure. A hacker with fish software will be able to easily crack your WEP or WPA password within 3 minute.
Picture I: My setup

A. YouTube demo video.
B. Backtrack (bt) 3, 4 and 5.
C. Complete kit to hack (refer to title/post on right of screen).
D. Download fish (trial version) usable under ALL Backtrack version (bt3,4,5) to hack any wifi password.
Picture II: Step 2 (if you use bt3)

E. How to hack any wifi password in 3 insanely easy steps.
Step 1) Download fish (trial) from above links and save into USB pendrive.
Step 2) Boot your bt3, bt4 or bt5 then copy and paste fish from USB pendrive:
- Into 'Home' desktop icon ........if you use bt3
- On the desktop ...........................if you use bt4
- Into 'Dolphin File Manager'..... if you use bt5
Step 3) Click konsole and key in:
chmod {leave a space} +x {leave a space} /root/fi.sh
Follow screen instruction for fish to automatically crack the wifi password for you.
Step 1) Download fish (trial) from above links and save into USB pendrive.
Step 2) Boot your bt3, bt4 or bt5 then copy and paste fish from USB pendrive:
- Into 'Home' desktop icon ........if you use bt3
- On the desktop ...........................if you use bt4
- Into 'Dolphin File Manager'..... if you use bt5
Step 3) Click konsole and key in:
chmod {leave a space} +x {leave a space} /root/fi.sh
Follow screen instruction for fish to automatically crack the wifi password for you.
Picture III: Step 3 (if you use bt3)

HOW TO GET fish (full version)
Try the fish (trial version) and if it is compatible with your hardware, compose an email as per below format to get your personalized fish (full version) that can hack wep, wpa and wpa2 password (click to see the request code):

Note: Direct backtrack boot from live cd, hdd or usb flash drive is recommended for better performance. VMware will slow down the hacking process a bit and only usable with usb wifi adapter.